
Builder Design Pattern in Go

Builder Pattern in Go

Quick backstory

The Problem

The problem I am facing is that I have a particular workflow for writing Go code, which gets repetitive. Even when working on starting a new project, a general idea, or testing a quick theory, the setup is a bit cumbersome for me. Here is an example of the project structure I typically start with:

└── folder1
    ├── main.go 
    ├── go.mod
    └── Makefile

It felt like a lot to run go mod init and touch main.go Makefile every time - let alone boilerplate content for each file. So that is when I decided, in typical programmer fashion, to write a script for generating the project structure.

Note: the script and the breakdown will come after.

I managed to write a simple enough script in Go to get it out of the way, but I knew; I could do better. That’s when I started brainstorming ways to make it scaleable & easier to maintain. I wanted a CLI tool that generates boilerplate Go code for a generic project and eventually scales up to complete projects with different architectural patterns.

What is the builder pattern?

Essentially, a builder is a creational design pattern that allows you to create objects (in Go’s case, structs). Encapsulating the logic for creation allows for cleaner and easier-to-maintain code while being flexible. It defines a predetermined sequence of steps to promote consistency and reliability.

Imagine having to build n users with different clearance levels. It would be much simpler to have a checklist of data a user needs to have. For example:

  1. setAge()
  2. setPhone()
  3. setAdminStatus()

Go example (easy)

  1. Initializing the project
// main.go
package main 

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

Now just run go run main.go to get:

$ Hello, world!

  1. Defining our interface

Under our import section, we want to define our builder interface to house our API.

type Builder interface {
    setAge(int) User
    setPhone(int) User
    setAdminStatus(bool) User
  1. Define our User struct
type User struct {
    name    string 
    age     int 
    phone   int
    isAdmin bool
  1. Define our functions to instantiate our User struct & function
// instantiates our User struct
func newUser(name string) *User {
    return &User{
        name: name,

// attaches our methods to the User struct 
func (u *User) setAge(age int) *User {
	u.age = age
	return u

func (u *User) setPhone(phone int) *User { = phone
	return u

func (u *User) setAdminStatus(status bool) *User {
	u.isAdmin = status
	return u
  1. Building our users

Now that we’ve done most of the heavy lifting, we can start by using our builder to create users quickly and effectively.

func main() {
	regularUser := newUser("foo").setAge(18).setPhone(123456789)

    adminUser := newUser("bar").setAge(20).setAdminStatus(true)


&{foo 18 123456789 false}
&{bar 20 0 true}

Hurray! We just made a User builder.

Full code example

package main

import "fmt"

type Builder interface {
	setAge(int) User
	setPhone(int) User
	setAdminStatus(bool) User

type User struct {
	name    string
	age     int
	phone   int
	isAdmin bool

func newUser(name string) *User {
	return &User{
		name: name,

func (u *User) setAge(age int) *User {
	u.age = age
	return u

func (u *User) setPhone(phone int) *User { = phone
	return u

func (u *User) setAdminStatus(status bool) *User {
	u.isAdmin = status
	return u

func main() {
	regularUser := newUser("foo").setAge(18).setPhone(123456789)

	adminUser := newUser("bar").setAge(20).setAdminStatus(true)

// Output 
&{foo 18 123456789 false}
&{bar 20 0 true}


The builder pattern is an easy-to-implement creational design pattern, and if implemented correctly - scales easily. In this scenario, we have a builder that creates regular and admin users, but there are multiple scenarios where this would be useful.

Reading Material

Refactoring Guru - Builder

Refactoring Guru - Builder in Go
